Monday, September 11, 2006


Hakuna Matata is my motto. And reading this statement, "Hakuna Matata is not fit for us humans…" in the last page of our high school yearbook made me a little irritated (I will hunt down the one who wrote that in the yearbook). But my irritation grew to amusement (I will not hunt down the writer after all). It seems Hakuna Matata is not fully comprehended; its meaning not really understood.
Our life is short, but beautiful. And we need to get the best out of it. God wants us to enjoy the Life. And God knows what is the best in for us. That's why we must surrender all to Him - our lives, our plans, our anxieties, worries, problems, fears - all of it. He promised to take care of those things. He promised to take care of us and never forsake us. "If God is with us, who can be against us?"
I fully trust the Man Upstairs. He has never let me down. For years, the motto Hakuna Matata really worked for me. I let God take care of my worries, since I surrendered my life to Him. Yes, sometimes the problems do not really disappear but God gives me strength and comfort. "No worries…"
I truly believe that I cannot get on with life without the Man Upstairs helping me. I trust him to take care of my life, my future, and me.
Hakuna Matata… it means no worries, for the rest of your days. It is not only applicable to Timon, Pumba and Simba, but also to us humans (contradicting that writer in our yearbook). It is very fit for humans, or rather - not all humans - but to those who surrendered their lives to the Lord.

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