
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

If Ever You Fly Away...

If ever you choose to fly away,
I wouldn’t be able to stop you.

You are from out of this world.
Nigh invincible.
Essentially a goddess,
Soaring above.

I am but a mortal,
A tortured soul,
Forever tied to Gotham.

Though I have my utility belt,
It has never sufficed in stopping
My Rogues Gallery from haunting me.

I used to do well being alone.
Until I’ve experienced the World’s Finest team-up with you.
Being caught in midair whenever my grappling hook breaks.
Having my back in every Crisis event-storyline.

Thus now, if ever I completely lost sight
Of the House of El crest on your chest,
I fear, into Arkham I will be taken.

If ever you choose to fly away,
I wouldn’t be able to stop you.

I have nothing to offer
To entice a goddess like you to stay.
Worse, I’ll always be with grit and angst.

I enrage you
Enough to make you a Red Lantern
If ever you choose to fly away,
(Or incinerate me with your heat vision)
I wouldn’t be able to stop you.

But in the end…
You continue to stand by me.
The day and the night,
Together still.

And hopefully,
We’ll remain fighting side by side
Until Vanishing Point…
Towards Vanishing Point.
If ever you choose to fly away,
I wouldn’t be able to stop you.

But I pray you’ll just stay...

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