
Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Chain of Thoughts on the Season Premieres of The CW Shows I'm Watching

The CW shows I’m following are now back with their respective new seasons.  Here are some thoughts after watching the premieres last week…

  • The projection of my opinion of this show is still going southwards, but I thought season three’s first episode was pretty strong.  First and foremost, there was a cinematic quality about it.   It had some TV-amazing shots that really pleased my eyes (or is it simply because it had been a long time since I last saw an episode?), especially when Supergirl lifted that submarine.
  • Though the character has been portrayed as a hothead in the comics – even becoming a Red Lantern at one point – I don’t like a brooding Melissa Benoist Supergirl.  Angsty Grant Gustin Flash is already insufferable.  These two are at their best when they are sunshine-y – especially when they are together.  Hopefully, as what the ending of the episode implied, Supergirl is done moping about her presumably dead boy-friend.
  • I doubt Mon-El is dead though.  But I wish he is.  I hated him as love interest.
  • Since Batman is implied to exist in this universe, bring Dick Grayson a.k.a. Nightwing to the show and make him Supergirl’s love interest instead.   I already expressed this sentiment more than once in the past, so let me just repeat – copy-paste – something I wrote before:
  • I don’t want a super-powered boyfriend for Supergirl.  It’s infinitely more preferable if Supergirl’s love interest is someone like Nightwing.  The shadow of Superman and Batman casting on the dynamic of Supergirl and Nightwing gives a romance between them an extremely thrilling layer.
    Yep, let their opposing dark and bright personality clash initially.  Let them banter.  Develop them like Castle and Becket.  If this happens, it will significantly improve the show in my eyes.
  • Adrian Pasdar has a seemingly major recurring role this season.  Does this mean he’s done playing Gen. Talbot in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?  Or he’s going to play both roles at the same time?  I hope it’s the latter.

  • I enjoyed the directing of the premiere.  There were some amazing camera work and CGI action done here.
  • I actually prefer if Barry was absent in the first few episodes of the season.  Bringing him immediately in the season premiere cheapens the dramatic impact of last season’s finale.
  • I also don’t buy how Sisko managed to figure out a way to bring Barry back just like that.
  • What’s happening with Caitlin is kind of intriguing.  Can’t wait to see her wielding the Cold Gun, as what the season three trailer showed.
  • No new version of Harrison Wells yet.  Bummer.
  • I’ve several issues with this premiere, but I also thought it had set up a promising season ahead.  Hope this show gets back to form.

  • To be honest, after the awesome wackiness last season, this premiere is sort of flat in comparison.  It doesn’t do anything for me.  The only thing of significance that it established is that Rip Hunter made a new time-policing organization to replace the defunct, corrupt Time Lords Masters.
  • Nonetheless, I’m happy to see this motley crew again, ready for some new time-travel shenanigans.  I knew that this season will only get better down the line.
  • They will be teaming up with John Constantine!  Man, I hope he becomes a permanent member instead.
  • Gorilla Grodd, everybody’s favorite villainous telepathic gorilla, is also set to appear.

  • Meh.

  • Still as delectably addicting as ever.  I’m glad season two had an October release date.  I really thought at first that the wait was till early 2018.
  • So, we got a new mystery on our hands: who is the masked man who shot Fred Andrews (obviously intending to kill him; thank God, he survived that gunshot) and savagely garroted Archie’s cougar ex Miss Grundy to death?
  • And who are once again on the case?  Our favorite sleuthing couple – Bughead!  When Betty hopped on behind Jughead in his bike and the two set off towards Pop’s to look for Fred’s wallet… that was basically the start of another Nancy Drew-Hardy Boy adventure.  It was a cool moment that made me smile and feel all tingly good all over.
  • It was a surprise that Jughead is starting to be portrayed a little bit more like his comic book counterpart.  After perpetually channeling Holden Caulfield last season, rather than be moody, he responded in a more humor-y manner in the tense situations of this episode.  When Archie contemplated that he probably made his father’s condition worse by driving him to the hospital instead of waiting for the ambulance, Jughead assured him that he did the right thing, and that between saving Cheryl Blossom and his dad, Archie would soon require a superhero name like “Purehearth the Powerful” (which is actually the character’s superhero name in the “Super Teens” comics).  Instead of snapping back at Alice Cooper when she snarkily mentioned that Jug’s Southside associates could have something to do with what happened to Fred, he just mockingly replied that at least she couldn’t accuse his father, who was currently incarcerated.  When Betty was adamant of riding with Jughead on his father’s bike, he joked, “We can walk.  We can take a bus.  Or… we can call your mom.”   Then, the best one, when Pop finished his gloomy “Angel of Death” monologue, Juggy reacted: “Jeez, Pop, lighten up. You sound like the cranky old guy in the Friday the 13th movies.”  I laughed at that one.  The abrupt pause in dramatic music and actor Cole Sprouse’s timing and delivery were perfect comedic execution.  Also funny: Pop asking if Bughead was hungry, and Betty replying the negative while Jughead replying the affirmative.  Apparently, Jug’s appetite increases tenfold in times of crisis.  Jughead wolfing down burgers is always a plus.
  • Seriously, if Bughead ends, it will break my heart.
  • Archie and Veronica are trying to beat Bughead’s terrific dynamic by going the “be hot and steamy” route.  LOL.
  • New Reggie seemed to be less douchey than his predecessor.
  • Hiram Lodge also makes his menacing debut.
  • Archie guarding his house with a baseball bat is somewhat goofy of him.
  • Best non-Jughead dialogue belongs to Betty and Alice Cooper...
    (Betty’s phone rings.)
    Alice: "If that's Snake Plissken (i.e. Jughead), I want him blocked."
    Betty: "It's Archie."
    Alice: "Block him too."
  • Man, I love this show, and I’m beyond happy it’s back.

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