
Friday, October 06, 2017

So I Gave 'The Emoji Movie' a Chance

The Emoji Movie is, well, an animated movie about emojis.  And it’s one of the fiercely panned movies this year.  Still, I decided to give it a chance.  I thought that maybe I would get to like it, since it’s not unusual for me to like movies that critics hated (one of best examples: Gods of Egypt).  I just have to frame my expectations to reasonable levels.  I wasn’t at all considering that it could be something surprisingly awesome like The Lego Movie.  In fact, I knew it’s going to be bad.  But, considering that it’s animation, there’s the chance that it has enough to appeal to children.  And if so, I hoped that it would, at best, meet the minimum standards to please the inner child in me.

I actually enjoyed the first seven minutes.  In that span, I genuinely thought the puns were clever, and the jokes were funny.  It was an optimistic start.  It was as if it could turn out being one of those instances where a film is actually not as awful as critics deem it to be.

However, after that, it got worse and worse – depreciating down the line to a boring rip-off of a knock-off (yep, the redundancy is intended) of an uninspired fan fiction amalgamation of Wreck-It Ralph, The Lego Movie, and Inside Out.

In the end, it’s perfectly summed up by these two emojis:

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