
Sunday, November 05, 2017

Pros & Cons of 'Stranger Things 2'

It’s already a full week since I binged Stranger Things 2, the second season of the Duffer Brothers’ Netflix hit, but let me now share the things I liked and didn’t like about it.

Pro: It’s a delightful season as a whole
For me, it’s just as good as the first season, but its last two episodes are probably the strongest this show has ever been.  In addition, it once again offers ample 80’s pop culture reference to appreciate while being less manipulative and more restrained in its use of the nostalgia card.

Con: Episode 7
Eleven is a fascinating character and I think it’s important to show more of her backstory.  But how it was done – giving her an entire episode to have an unremarkable side adventure – didn’t work.  It was boring.  It felt so out of place and it almost destroyed the momentum.  Not every Stranger Things episode is flawless, but “The Lost Sister” is the only one I didn’t generally enjoy.

Pro: Bob
Sean Astin’s Bob is easily the best new character.  He’s such a refreshing presence.  Every scene he’s in has so much good vibes.  He’s so nice and kind that the cynic in me expected he was hiding a nefarious secret.  But, no, Bob is simply another Samwise Gamgee – a perfect embodiment of a good guy.  A bona fide hero.

Con: Bob dies
That’s why his death is quite heartbreaking.  Would have loved to have him again next season.

Pro: Bob dies
But, at the same time, considering the context of his death, it is a high point in the storytelling – an apt emotional fuel to the developing climax. 

Con: Max and Billy
I was hoping that their addition would elevate the show.  But it didn’t.  In fact, they were more of a distraction.  The show initially presented them as these mysterious siblings implied to have an Eleven-y backstory.  It turned out they just belong to a typical dysfunctional family.  Meh.

They don’t contribute much to the plot.  The sole reason Max is brought in is to add “girl power” to the “Party” because Eleven is not with them for most of the season.  Her inclusion disrupts the dynamic of the Party – inadvertently making Dustin and Lucas compete for her affection, and irritating Mike and Eleven.  Max is kind of okay sometimes but Billy… well, Billy is simply a despicable d-bag.  He has little purpose aside from terrorizing the other characters and flirting with Mike’s mom.

Pro: Steve
On the other hand, Steve is the anti-Billy.  He started out as a stereotypical jock-bully that developed into an ally last season.  But in Stranger Things 2, he continues he’s journey as a character, emerging as a likable courageous hero and “big brother” figure to the younger boys, especially to Dustin.  At this point, we root more for him than Jonathan, who is okay but stagnant as a character this season.

Pro: Murray Bauman
A conspiracy theorist/freelance journalist that is instrumental for attaining #JusticeForBarb and serving as Nancy and Jonathan’s Cupid.  Also, he’s a master troll.  “How was the pull-out?” LOL.

Pro: Noah Schnapp’s Emmy-worthy acting
All the young actors delivered solid performances, but Noah is hands down the stand out this season.

Con: Will
Unfortunately, the character that Noah is playing functions more of a plot device than an actual character.  Hope Will gets to shine next season.  He deserves a worthwhile character arc.

Pro: Dustin and Dart’s moment
I thought at first that the whole thing with Dustin keeping Dart like a pet was pretty dumb.  But it actually had a heartwarming payoff.

Pro: Hopper Dancing

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