
Thursday, June 14, 2012

My First Musical Performance with My Family

As a special number in our church service, my mother, my sister, and I performed instrumentals of some hymns.  First, we played "Where Jesus is, Tis' Heaven".  My sister played the violin, my mother played the bandurria, and I played the acoustic guitar.  Then, we played "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus" and "Mansion Over the Hilltop".  On these two, my sister played the bandurria, my mother played the acoustic guitar, and I played the mandolin.  It was wonderful to perform and praise God on stage for the first time with my family (My father wasn't able to perform with us since he can't play any instrument. However, next time there's a musical number by the family, he should join us and do the vocals!).  And in spite of the pain I am in now, it didn't hinder me in praising God with all my heart.  Indeed, no matter what the circumstance is, good or bad, I should praise God!

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