Sunday, January 26, 2020

Top 10 TV Series of 2019

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance is a technical masterpiece, and deserves a slot in this list.  The problem is, when the show was released back in August 2019, I only managed to watch its first two episodes, and since then, I haven’t found the time to watch the rest .  So, for now, it gets a shout-out here.  And once I get around to finishing it, we can retroactively say that it’s part of this top 10 (Lol).

Anyway, among all the TV series whose 2019 runs I got to see in their entireties, here are my top 10 favorites...

10.) DuckTales
I loved this reboot when it launched in 2017, but with a few episodes left in season 1, I didn’t feel like continuing with it.  I felt that, even though it was being fun, it wasn’t quite delivering what it had been promising.  But, as it turns out, it actually did deliver.  I just lost my patience before it got to it.

After seeing the epic trailer for the second-half of its season 2, I was compelled to catch up with it, and I got hooked again.

DuckTales is great because it’s kind of a “G” version of The Venture Bros. – a show that knows what buttons to push in order to please our nostalgic, nerdy fandom.  Season 2, especially, was extremely rewarding on this end, particularly when it came to doing Avengers-esque teamups (how awesome is that screenshot above?) and grand storylines.

9.) Chernobyl
Chernobyl masterfully dramatizes the events before, during, and after the nuclear disaster while striking the perfect balance of being entertaining, edifying, and respectful.  It’s a stimulating watch from start to finish… [It’s] also a powerful study in ethics.”
Click here for the full review.

8.) The Boys
“Making superheroes realistic, gritty, and cynical isn’t a new concept.  But I believe The Boys could be the most believable and grounded attempt so far.”
Click here for the full review.

7.) Good Omens
“Its storytelling is as wonderful as what I thought a collaboration between [Terry] Pratchett and [Neil] Gaiman would be.”
Click here for the full review.

6.) Rick and Morty
This would have ranked two or three steps higher if it had more episodes in 2019 (only five of the ten planned for season 4; the remaining five will come out sometime this year).

5.) Veronica Mars
“[Season 4] successfully strikes the perfect balance between being familiar and different.”
Click here for the full review.

4.) Young Justice: Outsiders
“…although Outsiders is fairly held tighter together by its thematic vision more than its narrative, it’s still a smooth, stimulating season in general.  Whatever bumpiness it has along the way is evened out by an overall rewarding experience due to retaining the core qualities of the Young Justice brand…”
Click here for the full review.

3.) Romance Is a Bonus Book
“It ticks every box in my checklist for what makes a great K-drama experience…”
Click here for the full review.

2.) Watchmen
“[It’s] a completely different animal from the classic graphic novel.  Nevertheless, the former organically connects its new story and vision to the latter’s, and I love how methodical, clever, and patient it is in making those connections…”
Click here for the full review.

1.) The Mandalorian
“Watching it gave me this warm, cozy feeling inside.  It’s as if it has tapped into my memories so that it can grant a rush that combines the pleasures I had from reading Dark Horse’s licensed Star Wars comics and Timothy Zahn’s Star Wars novels, and watching BraveStarr, Firefly and Cowboy Bebop.”
Click here for the full review.

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