
Monday, May 09, 2011

I Love Writing. I Love the Lakers. I Love This Blog. Happy 5th Year Anniversary!

Five years ago, on May 2006, I created this blog.  The first post I wrote was about how, as a Laker fan, Laker defeats are made more painful when there are plenty of haters surrounding you that celebrate when the team fails.  More about that later.   First, I want to talk about why I decided to make this blog.  I made this blog to house most of my written works.  Later on, I would also use it to archive my videos and host my photo albums.  But initially and primarily, this blog was for my writings.  I wanted to create a form of “autobiography” of myself through my writing and discussion of various topics (and, now, also through the photo albums of my life and videos) and not just explicit journal-type writings of what happen in my life.  I write about all things that interest me or what was on my mind at a particular time, and through these, a reader might catch a glimpse of who Bernel is.

In those five years, I had written more than a hundred posts – in essays or scribbles – on a range of topics in this blog.  I love to write.  I write to organize my thoughts.  I write as therapy (in fact I consider it as my best form of therapy for myself).  I write to chronicle a particular moment I want to look back to.  I write as a pastime.  I write for fun.  I just love to write.

Yes, I love to write.  It doesn’t matter what particular mood I am in (though the mood does help a bit with the quality and style), I will write.  Even if I would have to write about something painful, the act of writing helps in easing the pain (as I’ve said, it’s the best therapy).  Indeed, the mood is (almost) irrelevant.  Five years ago, my first post in this blog was prompted by the Los Angeles Lakers’ disappointing defeat at the hands of the Phoenix Suns.  The underdog Lakers surprisingly took a 3-1 against the favored Suns, and it looked as if the Lakers would pull off an epic upset.  However, the Suns won three straight, winning the series 4-3.  It was hearbreaking to a Laker fan like me.  More made painful by the rejoicing of the Laker haters (note: just part of being a sports fan).  But writing about it was healing.  Coincidentally, now in the 5th year anniversary of that debut post of the blog, the Lakers suffered a heartbreaking loss once again.  This time, being swept by the Dallas Mavericks, ending the dream for a third straight title.  And just like 5 years ago, to write about my thoughts about it will ease the disappointment.

When the LA Lakers was down 2-0 (losses coming from the Lakers’ homecourt), I was not worried.  They are the type of team that can come back from it.  Then, the Mavs took a shocking 3-0 lead.  Even if there was no team in NBA history that came back from a 0-3 deficit to win a series, I was never really totally anxious.  I have been a Laker fan for more than half my lifetime and I can say that I am a tough enough fan to trust my favorite team – even if it’s improbable – to win 4 straight games.  I would only go down when the Lakers’ elimination had been certain.  Until then, my attitude was still “meh”, though it’s very unlikely to still win the series, I – with my Lakers – would go down fighting. 

But there you go.  A 4-0 sweep.  Kudos to the Mavs.  They certainly did a great job and deserve to win the series.  I am proud of the Lakers team, for what they accomplished in these last four seasons, reaching the Finals three straight, and winning the championship two straight.  Yes, I am proud, but I am a bit disappointed as well.  As a fan, it seemed to me that they did not give their best at it.  I know that they were capable of doing better (I now have second thoughts if Pau Gasol is really what I thought him to be: greatest power forward in the NBA; maybe I was quick at concluding it.  He was definitely “Ga-soft” this playoffs).  Still, I love this team and trust that they will rise up from this defeat, like they always did in the past (It is very likely they would try to trade for Dwight Howard in the offseason).  In the highs and lows, I hold my head up high, proud to be a Los Angeles Lakers fan.  To be honest, this recent Laker defeat did not sting me as much as their past defeats (especially in 2008, although their 2009 and 2010 victories made up for it).   Hmmmm.  Maybe it is due to being a tougher fan now than before, as I mentioned a while ago.  Or maybe because I am so happy nowadays that even a Laker defeat does not bother me much (*wink*wink*).  Anyway, I am optimistic of the future.  (By the way, after the Lakers got eliminated, I’m rooting for the Memphis Grizzlies to win the title this year.  That would be awesome!)     

I love writing.  I love the Lakers.  And I love this blog.  These will never change.  5 years old, my dear readers, this blog is 5 years old.  Or 5 years young, if you prefer it that way.  Either way, celebrate with me.  Looking forward for the next five years… and beyond.  

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